Forbes: Why Do Global South Scientists Struggle To Get Published? Link
Peer-reviewed papers
† Shared first-author
2023 33. Mahdjoub, H., Zebsa, R, Kahalerras, A., Amari, H., Bensouilah S., Samways, M. J., Khelifa, R. (2023). Condition-dependent survival and movement behavior in an endangered endemic damselfly. Scientific Reports 13, 21819.
32. Mahdjoub, H.†, Khelifa, R.*†, Roy, J., Sbilordo, S.H., Zeender, V., Perdigón Ferreira, J., Gourgoulianni, N. Lüpold, S.* (2023) Interplay between male quality and male-female compatibility across episodes of sexual selection. Science Advances 9: eadf5559. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adf5559 [† Shared first author]
31. Mahdjoub H., Zebsa R., Amari H., Bensouilah S., Zouaimia A., Youcefi A. and Khelifa R.(2023). Potential fitness consequences of roosting spatiotemporal selection in an endangered endemic damselfly: conservation implications. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11,
30. Mahdjoub, H., Baaloudj, A., Chaib, S., Ramírez-Castañeda, V., Barragan Contreras, L.A., González-Tokman, D., Villada-Bedoya, S., Rocha-Ortega, M., Córdoba-Aguilar, A. & Khelifa, R.(2023). Benefits and geography of international collaboration for PhD students in biology from four Global South countries. Frontiers in Education 8,
2022 29. Mahdjoub H., Maas B., Nuñez M., Khelifa R. (in press). Recommendations for making editorial boards diverse and inclusive. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (12),1021-1024.
28. Zebsa R., Mahdjoub H. & Khelifa R. (2022). Similar response of a range expanding dragonfly to low and high elevation predators. Diversity 14(4), 302
27. Khelifa R. & Mahdjoub H.† (2022). A global perspective of equity, diversity and inclusion in ecology and evolutionary biology. Ecology Letters 25, 1049-1054.DOI: 10.1111/ELE.13976
26. Khelifa R., Mahdjoub H.†, Baaloudj A., Chaib S. (2022). Language of citation and publishing performance of graduate students in French-speaking countries with different economic and linguistic advantages. Facets 7, 71-81.
25. Khelifa, R., Mellal M.K., Mahdjoub H., Hasanah N. & Kremen C. (2022). Biodiversity exploitation for online Entertainment. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. DOI: 10.3389/fcosc.2021.788269
24. Khelifa R., Mahdjoub M.†, & Samways M.J. (2022). Combined climatic and anthropogenic stress threaten resilience of important wetland sites in an arid region. Science of the Total Environment 806, 150806
23. Khelifa R. & Mahdjoub M. (2022). Integrate geographic scales in equity, diversity, and inclusion. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, 4-5.
22. Zouaimia A., Adjami Y., Zebsa R., Youcefi A., Bensakhri Z., Bensouilah S., Amari H., Ouakid M.-L., Houhamdi M., Mahdjoub H., Khelifa R. 2022. Phenology of the regionally Critically Endangered dragonfly Urothemis edwardsii in the National Park of El Kala, Northeast of Algeria. Nature Conservation Research 7(1): 1–9.
21. Khelifa R. & Mahdjoub H.† (2021). EcoDragons: a game for environmental education and public outreach. Insects 12(9), 776.
20. Khelifa R., Deacon C., Mahdjoub M., Simaika J.P., Suhling F. & Samways M.J. (2021). Dragonfly conservation in the increasingly stressed African Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 301.
19. Khelifa R., Mahdjoub H., M'Gonigle L. & Kremen C. (2021). Integrating high-speed videos in capture-mark-recapture studies of insects. Ecology & Evolution 11: 6033– 6040.
18. Khelifa R., Mahdjoub H., Baaloudj A., Cannings R. A. & Samways M. J. (2021). Effects of both climate change and human water demand on a highly threatened damselfly. Scientific Reports 11, 7725.
17. Khelifa R., Mahdjoub H., Baaloudj A., Cannings R. A. & Samways M. J. (2021). Remarkable population resilience in a North African endemic damselfly in the face of rapid agricultural transformation. Insects 12, 353.
16. Mahdjoub, H., Blanckenhorn, W.U., Lüpold, S., Roy, J., Gourgoulianni, N. & Khelifa, R. (2020). Fitness consequences of the combined effects of veterinary and agricultural pesticides on a non-target insect. Chemosphere 250, 126271.
15. Khelifa R., Zebsa, R. & Mahdjoub, H. (2020). A mysterious interaction between a butterfly and a beetle. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18, 353-353.
14. Khelifa, R., Blanckenhorn, W., Roy, J., Rohner, P. & Mahdjoub, H. (2019). Usefulness and limitations of thermal performance curves in predicting ectotherm development under global change. Journal of Animal Ecology 88, 1901–1912.
13. Khelifa, R., Zebsa, R., Amari, H, Mellal, M.K. & Mahdjoub, H. (2019). Field estimates of fitness costs of the pace-of-life in an endangered damselfly. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32, 943– 954.
12. Amari, H., Zebsa, R., Lazli, A., Bensouilah, S., Mellal, M. K., Mahdjoub, H., Houhamdi, M. & Khelifa R. (2019). Differential elevational cline in the phenology and demography of two temporally isolated populations of a damselfly: not two but one taxon? Ecological Entomology 44, 93-104.
11. Youcefi, A, Baaloudj, A, Zebsa, R., Mahdjoub, H., Bensakhri, Z., Bensouilah, S., Amari, H., Si Bachir, A. & Khelifa, R. (2019). Weather conditions affect the roosting collective behavior of the cattle egret Bubulcus ibis. Bird Study 66(3), 413-419
10. Khelifa, R., Zebsa R., Amari H., Mellal M. K., Bensouilah S. Laouar A., Mahdjoub H. (2017). Unravelling the drastic range retraction of an emblematic songbird of North Africa: potential threats to Afro-Palearctic migratory birds. Scientific Reports 7, 1092.
9. Khelifa, R., Mahdjoub, H., Aouaouche, M. S. & Houhamdi, M. (2016). Reproductive behaviour of a North African endemic damselfly, Platycnemis subdilatata (Odonata: Platycnemididae) and probable senescence effects. International Journal of Odonatology 3, 1-11.
8. Khelifa, R., Zebsa R., Amari H., Houhamdi M., Mellal M. K., Mahdjoub H. & Kahalerras A. (2016). A hotspot for threatened Mediterranean odonates in the Seybouse River (Northeast Algeria): are IUCN population sizes drastically underestimated? International Journal of Odonatology 19, 1-11.
7. Khelifa, R., Guebailia A., Mahdjoub H., Mohamed Sahnoun A. & Houhamdi M. (2015). Aspects of life history of Platycnemis subdilatata (Zygoptera: Platycnemididae) in Northeast Algeria. International Journal of Odonatology 18, 317-327.
6. Mahdjoub, H., Khelifa R., Zebsa R., Bouslama Z. & Houhamdi M. (2015). Bivoltinism in Coenagrion mercuriale (Zygoptera: Odonata) in the Southern Margin of Its Distribution Range: Emergence Pattern and Larval Growth. African Entomology 23, 59–67.
5. Mahdjoub, H., Khelifa R., Zebsa R., Mellal M.K., Bouslama Z. & Houhamdi M. (2014) Aspects of reproductive biology and ecology of Coenagrion mercuriale at its southern range margin, International Journal of Odonatology 17, 173-180.
4. Khelifa, R., Zebsa R., Kahalerras A., Laouar A., Mahdjoub H. & Houhamdi M. (2013). Description of the final instar exuvia of Urothemis edwardsii Selys (Odonata: Liballulidae) with reference to its emergence site selection. Entomologia Generalis 34, 303-312.
3. Khelifa, R., Mahdjoub H., Zebsa R., Kahalerras A. & Houhamdi M. (2013). Aspects of reproductive biology and behaviour of the regional critically endangered Urothemis edwardsii (Odonata: Libellulidae) of Lake Bleu (Algeria). Zoology and Ecology 23, 282-285.
2. Khelifa, R., Zebsa, R., Kahalerras, A., Mahdjoub, H. & Moussaoui, A. (2013). Niche partitioning in three sympatric congeneric species of dragonfly (Orthetrum chrysostigma, O. coerulescens, and O. nitidinerve – Libellulidae: Odonata): importance of microhabitat. Journal of Insect Science 13, 71.
1. Khelifa, R., Zebsa R., Kahalerras A. & Mahdjoub H. (2012). Clutch size and egg production in Orthetrum nitidinerve Selys, 1841 (Anisoptera: Libellulidae): effect of body size and age. International Journal of Odonatology 1, 51–58.